계명대학교 동산의료원 ‘새병원 설계계약’ 체결
계명대학교 동산의료원 ‘새병원 설계계약’ 체결
  • 이항영 취재기자
  • 승인 2009.08.19 02:48
  • 댓글 6
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- 첨단 인텔리전트 빌딩시스템 도입, 지하4층 지상20층 1033병상 규모 -
▲ 새 병원 조감도
 110년 전 ‘제중원’이라는 이름으로 설립되어 지역사회의 보건의료와 의학연구, 선교의 사회적 역할을 수행해 온 계명대학교 동산의료원(원장 차순도)은 혁신적이며 선도적인 세계최첨단 의료환경 구축에 대한 신일희 총장의 비전과 1,900명 동산의료원 교직원들의 염원을 담아 새의료원 건립추진본부(본부장:권태찬)를 2008년 8월 발족하였다. 새의료원 건립추진본부는 새병원 건립 추진을 위하여 ‘새병원 신축 계획(안)’을 학교법인 계명대학교 이사회에 상정하여(2008. 11. 6.) 승인을 받음으로써 본격적인 새병원 신축 업무를 진행하게 되었다.

 그 첫 단추로 새의료원 건립추진본부에서는 2009년 3월 20일 최근 10년 이내 1,000병상 이상의 의료시설 계획 ․ 기본 및 실시설계를 일괄로 수행한 실적이 있는 건축사 사무소를 대상으로 미국내 병원 설계실적 50위 이내인 미국설계회사와 공동업무 수행을 조건으로 하는 설계경기를 통해 (주)삼우종합건축사사무소를 제1순위 우선협상대상자로 선정, 협상을 통해 지난 7월 27일 동산의 다음 100년을 이끌어 갈 새병원 설계용역 계약체결에 이르렀다.

 새의료원 건립추진본부 권태찬 본부장은 새병원 설계는 ‘Touching Heal + Hill’을 기본 방향으로 삼아 치유의 손(Healing Touch), 교감의 손(Emotional Touch), 기도의 손(Praying Touch)을 표현하여 이른바 ‘감동의 손길이 함께 하는 치유의 동산’이란 컨셉을 설계에 반영할 계획이라고 하였다. 특히 미국 에서 시행되고 있는 JCI(Joint Commission International)인증을 위한 건축 기본 사항과 국내 최초로 LEED(미국에서 인정하는 친환경건축물 인증) 인증을 받을 수 있는 사양들을 설계에 포함시켜 미래를 대비한 친화경적이며 외국인 진료를 국제적으로 인증 받는 병원을 건축 할 것이라고 하였다.

 새병원은 계명대학교 성서캠퍼스 의료시설부지(지하철 2호선 강창역)에 지하 4층과 지상 20층(연면적 164,393㎡), 1033병상 규모의 병원과 1450대 규모를 수용할 수 있는 주차장이 건립될 예정이다. 전국적인 경쟁력을 갖추고 있는 수준 높은 특정질환 전문진료센터를 구축하여 2009년 12월 준공예정인 의과대학, 간호대학 및 의과학연구동과 유기적으로 연결하는 첨단 인텔리전트 빌딩시스템을 도입, 세계적인 최첨단 병원으로 미래의 100년을 준비하는 중요한 전환점이 될 것으로 기대된다. 대구광역시가 목표로 하는 메디시티 대구에 선도적 위치에서 지역의료기관의 중추적 역할을 할 것으로 예상된다. 

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qfzjibt@gmail.com 2015-12-20 01:18:45
There are a huge selection of types of watches out there, meaning it doesn't matter who you happen to be, you will find one which you prefer well. Let's trace the history of both past and present celebrities and definitive people, as well as the wristwatches they have worn. For people who find themselves considering a Ladies watch for that special lady in their life, a Cartier ladies watch could be the best choice. Dealer work by repairing the defective parts by other authentic parts, replacing the worn-out leather or metal band and polishing it with wax or polish to provide it a shiny new look. If you understand the mechanism used by some other country, it is possible to affirm the watch as fake. The Cartier Roadster watch comes with a around-the-clock architectonics and simple to apprehend dial. Many Cartier watches feature mother-of-pearl watch faces and therefore are waterproof as much as 30 meters.

rgygoxm@gmail.com 2015-12-19 23:31:52
There are a huge selection of types of watches out there, meaning it doesn't matter who you happen to be, you will find one which you prefer well. Let's trace the history of both past and present celebrities and definitive people, as well as the wristwatches they have worn. For people who find themselves considering a Ladies watch for that special lady in their life, a Cartier ladies watch could be the best choice. Dealer work by repairing the defective parts by other authentic parts, replacing the worn-out leather or metal band and polishing it with wax or polish to provide it a shiny new look. If you understand the mechanism used by some other country, it is possible to affirm the watch as fake. The Cartier Roadster watch comes with a around-the-clock architectonics and simple to apprehend dial. Many Cartier watches feature mother-of-pearl watch faces and therefore are waterproof as much as 30 meters.

hfrmauxhl@gmail.com 2015-12-19 23:14:42
The study cover 109 luxury brands, but we're concentrating on results for luxury watch brands only. No need to schedule recreational activities or doctor appointments for applying, it's going to take only short while to use on face. The replication of the main watch is done with down for the minutest level and it is very tough to generate out the gap between your real watch and Cartier replica watches. com, they come in a couple of years warranty at no additional cost. Duplicate Cartier watches are popularly identified to initiate a timepiece pattern. Such a approach was utilised by around 300 numerous years found in relax watching making. According to Art Museum Collection Cartier founder Eric Nussbaum memory, "In 1973, Robert Hocq who act as the president of Bali Ka in Asia made a decision to purchase back auction market in Geneva, Cartier created in 1923's first Portique magic charm clock.

dhfkrfxcbak@gmail.com 2015-12-19 22:19:02
There are a huge selection of types of watches out there, meaning it doesn't matter who you happen to be, you will find one which you prefer well. Let's trace the history of both past and present celebrities and definitive people, as well as the wristwatches they have worn. For people who find themselves considering a Ladies watch for that special lady in their life, a Cartier ladies watch could be the best choice. Dealer work by repairing the defective parts by other authentic parts, replacing the worn-out leather or metal band and polishing it with wax or polish to provide it a shiny new look. If you understand the mechanism used by some other country, it is possible to affirm the watch as fake. The Cartier Roadster watch comes with a around-the-clock architectonics and simple to apprehend dial. Many Cartier watches feature mother-of-pearl watch faces and therefore are waterproof as much as 30 meters.

tbxcqe@gmail.com 2015-12-19 21:50:11
The study cover 109 luxury brands, but we're concentrating on results for luxury watch brands only. No need to schedule recreational activities or doctor appointments for applying, it's going to take only short while to use on face. The replication of the main watch is done with down for the minutest level and it is very tough to generate out the gap between your real watch and Cartier replica watches. com, they come in a couple of years warranty at no additional cost. Duplicate Cartier watches are popularly identified to initiate a timepiece pattern. Such a approach was utilised by around 300 numerous years found in relax watching making. According to Art Museum Collection Cartier founder Eric Nussbaum memory, "In 1973, Robert Hocq who act as the president of Bali Ka in Asia made a decision to purchase back auction market in Geneva, Cartier created in 1923's first Portique magic charm clock.

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